to the starting point of activityWe recommend
We always recommend our guests to use our transportation offer or public transport when this is practically possible. This is because we want our activities to create the smallest possible environmental footprint.
We have adapted our activities so that they fit in with the bus service from Sortland. Here you can take public bus transport that takes you to one of our collection points. See more information on the activity you are participating in.
Most of Adventure 4 Life’s trips take place from Hadseløya. If you have signed up for one of our registration tours, we will pick up our participants at designated places in Stokmarknes and Melbu.
These are as follows:
- Melbu
– Melbu Hotell/Ferry Quay - Stokmarknes
– Vesterålen Kysthotell
– Hurtigrutens Hus
If you arrive from Sortland, we recommend public bus.
You can find more information about bus tickets at:
We recommend buying a bus ticket in the app “Billett Nordland” as you save money with this app. More information about this here:
The timetable for Sortland – Stokmarknes – Melbu for the period 01.02.2023 – 22.06.2023, 26.06.2023 – 20.08.2023 and 21.08.2023 – 31.01.2024:
Adventure 4 Life
Chr. Frederiksens gate 3
8445 Melbu, Norway 992 467 312
Phone: +47 959 24 921

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